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Thursday, March 31, 2016

A friend in Christ

With Easter just recently passed, I wanted to take a moment and think about Jesus Christ and His Atonement. As I have gone through some trials lately I've learned how to draw upon the power and strength that Christ has to offer because of His Atonement. I've learned to turn everything over to Him and allow Him to succor me in my afflictions. I've learned that relief doesn't always come, but instead courage comes to allow me to keep on truckin'. I've learned that not only do Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love me no matter my flaws; they love me with a pure, eternal love that doesn't come from earning it; it comes because I am a daughter of a Heavenly King, who loves me so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son to bleed and die for me and then The Savior rose again, so that I can live with my Father in Heaven again.

In Alma 34 it teaches that we are all hardened, fallen, and utterly lost without the Atonement of Jesus Christ. How true that is! I know that without the Atonement of Jesus Christ, without prayer, without the temple, without the scriptures, and without the Holy Ghost; I would not have had the strength or the courage to keep walking on this path of life. I have learned more about not only my emotional and mental self, but my spiritual self as well in these past few months then I have in awhile. I become so overcome with the Spirit it astounds me! I have become more susceptible to the Spirit through my trials, it seems crazy; but I promise that the Spirit has been with me more (that I've noticed) in the past few months than ever before. I know the reason behind this is because Christ is at constant work in my life, He is always finding small and big ways to give me a leg up when I can't quite reach the next step. He is my brother, my Savior, my Redeemer, my counselor, and most of all; my friend. I know He lives!