am going to start with some scriptures to introduce my topic but will be
replacing a few words with words that apply more to my situation. 2 Nephi
4:18-23, 26 reads, “I am encompassed about, because of the discouragement and
the sins which do so easily beset me. And when I desire to rejoice, my heart
groaneth because of my pain; nevertheless, I know in whom I have
trusted. My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions
in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep”
(In stake conference Bro. Young talked about how the wilderness is our life and
the waters are the tribulations in life). To continue, “He hath filled me with
his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh. He hath confounded mine enemies,
unto the causing of them to quake before me. Behold, he hath heard my cry by
day, and he hath given me knowledge by visions in the night-time.” Verse 26
reads, “O then, if I have seen so great things, if the Lord in his condescension
unto the children of men hath visited men in so much mercy, why should my heart
weep and my soul linger in the valley of sorrow, and my flesh waste away, and
my strength slacken, because of mine afflictions?” In Alma 36:3 it reads, "...for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day,"
One phrase that kept coming up as I studied scriptures about trust was, praising God, “What does it mean to praise God?” When
Nephi’s brothers tied him up on the boat and storms came and drove them the
opposite direction that they should go it says that Nephi “did look unto my
God, and I did praise him all the day long.” Ether 6:9 is similar saying, "And they did sing praises unto the Lord; yea, the brother of Jared did sing praises unto the Lord, and he did thank and praise the Lord all the day long; and when the night came, they did not cease to praise the Lord.". I don’t think that praising God all day long means that these people
were singing “Glory, Glory Hallelujah” all their waking moments, rather I think
it means that they had a quiet trust and faith that God was with them and
everything will be okay whatever happens.
In October’s conference of last year,
Elder L. Todd Budge gave a talk entitled, Consistent and Resilient Trust. Consistent means occurring continuously over a period of time. Resilient means
recoil or spring back into shape after bending, stretching, or compressing,
meaning it doesn’t break. His talk is based around the story of the brother of Jared and him and
his people’s crossing to the promised land. Some points I got from my reading
of it are these, afflictions and sorrow prepare us to experience joy if we will
trust in the Lord and His plan for us, we cannot cross the great deep save God
prepares a way for us, the only way to make it back to Heaven is through Jesus
Christ, we are not in control the only way to make it successfully through life
and back to God is by trusting Him, and the wind never ceases to blow us
towards God, even during our darkest trials God is guiding us towards our
Heavenly home.
Last fall as I discussed with my
doctor what to do next, she gave me 2 options, between a shot and a pill. I
felt prompted to choose the shot. So, I did, and things got worse from there.
The shot has many side effects, each day I feel like I have the flu because of
how achy I get, 3-4 days a week I feel like I’m in a dream and am unsure what
is real. Because I got worse, I started researching the treatments and the
disease itself and found out how much damage this shot can cause to my body and
how it doesn’t actually treat the endometriosis. I found specialists who
actually know the ins and outs of this disease that I am in the process of
getting appointments with. If I hadn’t trusted God and listened to that
prompting to try the shot I wouldn’t have researched and been guided to this
I read something recently about how this lady
told God she was going to date this guy, God told her no. So, she didn’t, but
as time went on, she was still feeling like she was in a rut and felt prompted
to date the guy that God told her no about, she ended up marrying him. She
wondered why she got 2 different answers if God is an unchangeable God? She
realized that when she got her first answer she could only partially see what
was next, but when she got the prompting to date the guy she saw the whole
picture and recognized that only God sees the whole picture all the time. If we
trust Him, we will be guided to where we need to be. I had a similar
experience. At the beginning of January, I felt prompted to take a couple of
online classes. So, I signed up and began them. A couple weeks into the
semester I felt even worse physically and mentally and knew my body and mind
were not up to taking classes, I decided to take another leave of absence and
after praying felt peace that it was the right decision. I was confused, like
the girl in the story, I’d felt like I had received two different answers and I
was questioning my ability to receive revelation. When I read her story,
something clicked, and I remembered another bit of inspiration I received when
I felt peace about taking the leave of absence.
I had the strong feeling accompanied by the thought that I would not
need to take another leave of absence from school. If I had not begun classes I
wouldn’t have needed another leave of absence and would not have received that
revelation. Again, I never have the whole picture, but I know that Heavenly
Father does and everything that happens and every prompting I respond to is
guiding me along the path I need to take to return to him someday.
As most of you know I served as a
service missionary for a brief time last fall. When I received that revelation
to serve, I was having a little bit of pain, but for the most part I was
functioning normally and able to do what needed to be done. I was a missionary
for exactly 2 months, but only served at my assignments for 3 weeks. As my
health got worse and I was in more and more pain I started praying to know what
I should do about my mission. As I was visiting one day with a friend, the thought
suddenly came that I had done what God wanted me to do in my mission and to ask
to be released. I was terribly confused about why I was called in the first
place if I barely served for 3 weeks. When I met with President Mecham he
reminded me of Abraham and Isaac’s story. The reason Abraham was asked to
sacrifice Isaac and at the last moment commanded to stop, was to test Abraham
and see if he would obey God no matter the cost. By serving my mission
especially when it wasn’t in my plans to do so, I proved to God that I would do
whatever He asked me and by placing my trust in Him and His plan for my life
other learning opportunities have presented themselves.
So, I looked up some synonyms of the
word trust, it came up with the words, confidence, assurance, credit,
dependence, reliance, faith, and hope. When we trust God, we have confidence
that He will help us and that He loves us. In Doctrine and Covenants 82:10 it
reads, "I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise". Thus, we have the assurance that if we trust god by obeying
His commandments and keeping our covenants, He will do as He has promised. When
we give credit to God for the blessings in our lives by showing gratitude, we
are putting our trust in God. When we are grateful for the rain that leads to
the rainbow, we are trusting that God has better things in store for us. Elder
Uchtdorf once said, “Being grateful IN our circumstances is an act of faith in
God. True gratitude is an expression of hope and testimony. It comes from
acknowledging that we do not always understand the trials of life but trusting
that one day we will.”
Back to the synonyms of trust, next
is dependence and reliance. Simply put, we cannot return to Heaven without
Christ or our Heavenly Father. When we depend and rely on them completely, we
prove we trust them to take us where we need to go. Under faith in the Bible
dictionary it says, “To have faith is to have confidence in something or
someone”. As said earlier, confidence is another equivalent of trust. In the
True to the Faith book it says, “When times of trial come, faith can give you
strength to press forward and face your hardships with courage. Even when the
future seems uncertain, your faith in the Savior can give you peace.” Under
hope in the True to the Faith it states that, “the word hope is sometimes
misunderstood. In our everyday language, the word often has a hint of
uncertainty such as hoping for a change in the weather or hoping a friend will
come visit. In the language of the gospel, however, the word hope is sure,
unwavering, and active. Prophets speak of having a firm and lively hope. When
we have hope we trust God’s promises.” Do you remember what the definition of
consistent and resilient were? Continuously stretching and never breaking in
our trust in God. Or in other words, unwavering and active.
would like to close with the lyrics from the song I Surrender By: Leslie
Lord, I know You see this fear in my heart
what my future holds
I feel You softly ask if I can trust You more
and give You control
So I kneel before You now
and I offer everything
Come and be the Lord of all
-All I am or ever hope to be
I surrender, I surrender
to the One who loves me more than life
I surrender, I surrender
here is my heart
I open it wide
To the One who cannot be unfaithful
I now offer You all that I am
I surrender, I surrender
From this day on I´ll be in your hands
I´ve been living for myself
and now I want to live for You alone
Come and help me when I´m weak
And when my path seems so unknown
You´ll be beside me still
I know You want what´s best for me
So when I want to take control
Lord, please, come and help my unbelief
what my future holds
I feel You softly ask if I can trust You more
and give You control
So I kneel before You now
and I offer everything
Come and be the Lord of all
-All I am or ever hope to be
I surrender, I surrender
to the One who loves me more than life
I surrender, I surrender
here is my heart
I open it wide
To the One who cannot be unfaithful
I now offer You all that I am
I surrender, I surrender
From this day on I´ll be in your hands
I´ve been living for myself
and now I want to live for You alone
Come and help me when I´m weak
And when my path seems so unknown
You´ll be beside me still
I know You want what´s best for me
So when I want to take control
Lord, please, come and help my unbelief
I surrender, I surrender
to the One who loves me more than life
I surrender, I surrender
here is my heart
I open it wide
To the One who cannot be unfaithful
I now offer You all that I am
I surrender, I surrender
From this day on I´ll be in your hands
to the One who loves me more than life
I surrender, I surrender
here is my heart
I open it wide
To the One who cannot be unfaithful
I now offer You all that I am
I surrender, I surrender
From this day on I´ll be in your hands