I don't know about all of you, but I am drawn to those people who put others before themselves, who go the extra mile to help someone else even if it is completely out of their way, the people who listen to promptings immediately and in so doing bless God's children immensely. I have always aspired to be one of those people, in essence I've always aspired to be like Christ. There is something about those angels on earth that makes you want to be around them, something that makes you want to be like them, and something that makes them joyful, not just happy, but joyful. The dictionary describes the word happy as feeling pleasure or contentment. When I looked up joyful in the dictionary it showed me some similar words, such as, lighthearted, radiant, gratified, and optimistic, to name a few. So, what causes these people we call blessings to be grateful, hopeful, light, and full of joy and not just happy? The answer is simply, their dedication to serving God's children. Those who serve Heavenly Father by serving their fellow-men (and women) see life in a different manner than those focused solely on themselves. That's not to say that their life is easier than others, for often times life seems harder for those trying to follow the path God has made for us. The difference is that they don't walk in the dark. As I was reading Elder Gary E. Stevenson's talk from April's 2020 general conference, I came to the part where he quotes a family friend who had battled cancer for many years. She was asked how she still has faith with all the trials she faces. She answered with these words, "Because faith is what gets me through these dark times. Having faith doesn't mean nothing bad is going to happen. Having faith allows me to believe that there will be light again. And that light will be even brighter because I have walked through the dark. The future of this life may be unknown, but my faith is not. If I choose to not have faith then I choose to only walk in darkness. because without faith, darkness is all that is left." In an earlier conference talk the speaker talked about how one woman facing health challenges felt alone and hopeless quite often until her husband recommended they find someone to serve. As her and her family served those in their ward and community (as her health allowed) she found her faith growing stronger, she felt the Savior with her more, and she had less lonely days. Service is often how we grow our faith, and I believe as we serve, it helps others grow their faith as we act on promptings that answer their prayers. Service allows us to be a light to others so they don't have to walk in the dark by themselves, it also enables Christ to give us more light so we don't walk in the darkness by ourselves either.
How grateful I am for the many people who have paused in their busy lives to minister to me. I am thankful for the gift of the Holy Ghost which stirs my heart and gives me the opportunity to be a blessing in the lives of others. I hope and pray that I will always strive to be an instrument in God's hands in touching the lives of His children and act on every good thought I receive.

Picture from LDS Living