One of man's greatest weaknesses is forgetfulness. Today in summer seminary we talked about the cure to this weakness; which is simply to remember. But how do we remember? The scriptures and Christ teach us how to do so. In Luke 24, is the story of how Mary and other women go to Christ's tomb to visit Him, and He is not there, the stone is rolled away, and an angelic being stands near. The angels ask the women "Why seek ye the living among the dead?" they reminded the women that Jesus said He would live again on the third day. After these words from the angels, the women remembered that Christ had said He would live again. They immediately went to His apostles and told them what the angels said. The apostles believed they were crazy. Two of the apostles decided that since the Messiah was dead, no one could save them, so they left Jerusalem. As they started on there journey to neighboring village, they spoke to each other about all that the women had told them. As they talked, Jesus began walking with them, but their eyes were restrained so that they did not know Him. Jesus asked them what they were discussing, they told Him the story of Christ and the tomb. The Lord then said to them, "O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken...He expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself." Christ then took bread, blessed it, and broke it. It was only then that His apostles eyes were opened and they the living Christ. Afterwards Jesus left and the two apostles sat and thought back on their walk with the Savior, they realized that they had felt His presence. (St. Luke 24:1-33)
The sacrament reminds us of our covenants with the Lord, it reminds us of the path we should be on, and most importantly; reminds us of our Savior Jesus Christ and all He did for us and all He continues to do for us. In the sacrament prayers it says exactly that; "...that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given them..." And the reward? That we may always have His Spirit to be with us. Here's a video we watched in Seminary also.
I know that my Redeemer Lives! He is there for us whenever we may need Him, we just need to remember. I testify that Jesus Christ is my Savior, that He suffered for my sins, pains, and everything that I have or will go through. I love this gospel and all of you, have a great fourth of July weekend, and I hope you can all not only remember the Savior, but also those who fought to make this country free!
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