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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Self Worth

Today in Laurel's class we talked about our self worth, and it made me realize how many people out there are only concerned about how they look for someone. I want to tell you it doesn't matter your pant size, weight, height, or looks. You are who you are, don't change that! God only cares about what is inside, if your friends don't care about that, you need to find better friends who do. Often we try to base our appearance on some celebrity or famous athlete, we try to cover up what God sees us as, beautiful daughters and princesses. In D&C 18:10 it reads "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God ".
It is often pointed out how much we compare ourselves to others. In February's 2015 New Era, under the title of Wet Cement and Real Womanhood by: Hillary Olsen. She gives us an example of this and how to have the right focuses. In the story a six year old girl is following a teenager around doing exactly as she does. At one point the teenager steps off the sidewalk and walks on the road for a few moments, when she stepped back on the little girl did too, but ended up in wet cement. The author then compares it to supposedly "being cool". While we all might think following someone older or bigger than us will make us so cool, we usually end up feeling downcast and insignificant because we are not exactly like them. The author goes on to tell us how we can focus on the right things and be reminded that we are loved by God no matter what we look like.

1. developing Talents
2. discovering true beauty
3. embracing motherhood
4. focusing on eternal goals

I sincerely believe that we are all sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us! Don't ever forget it! God is there for us no matter what we go through. Think about it, Christ created worlds and the thing He cares about most is you and me! It amazes me what Christ did for every single one of us, He suffered beyond anything we could ever imagine. He suffered so that we could repent and become like Him someday, He obviously loves us with everything He has and doesn't want us to be miserable, turn to Him and you will find peace. I know this with a surety. I have a testimony of this divine gospel and have been blessed countless times because I have turned to God not only in my time of need, but even when I am not being greatly troubled with something. I know He lives and loves each and everyone of us.

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